Bisco - At the Shelter's Web Page

American Eskimo Dog (long coat)  : :  Male  : :  Young  : :  Medium

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Learn more about the American Eskimo Dog.

Located in Campbell County, Virginia. Please begin with an application, found here: We place calls to your vet, your landlord, and your personal reference. We ask that the pets in your home be current with rabies vaccines, spay/neutered, and seen by a veterinarian for wellness.

About Bisco - At the Shelter

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • General Color: White
  • Current Size: 24.5 Pounds
  • Current Age: 4 Years 6 Months (best estimate)
  • Declawed: No
  • Housetrained: Yes
  • Obedience Training Needed: Well Trained
  • Exercise Needs: Moderate
  • Grooming Needs: High
  • Shedding Amount: High
  • Reaction to New People: Cautious

We had a wonderful breakthrough today with White Dog, now called ‘Bisco! We learned some important stuff about him, thanks to one of our volunteers. 1) He is young. We think he is just under a year old. 2) He allowed a thorough brushing and dematting over the past couple days. (He is legally considered a “stray” despite our cameras zooming in on the person tying him up at the shelter, since the dog could be the victim of a marital dispute, family argument, or theft.) 3) He is okay with other dogs. 4) He was interested in a kitten, not in a bad way. 5) He tolerated brushing, despite the discomfort. 6) He has wonderful bite inhibition! 7) He loves human food offered by hand, and finally ate some canned dog food. 8) He sits, shakes, downs, spins… and plays with joy when someone roughhouses with him. we’re still not sure what his attitude about toys might be. He is just really into humans right now.  Someone loved him. Wish we knew who it was. 9) He was wearing an expensive, like-new collar. #whodoyoubelongto



PLEASE NOTE: This pet has been posted by Friends of Campbell County Animal Control, Rustburg, VA. For questions about the pet, please email us at All adoptions begin with an application, found under the "Animals" tab on our website, *Unaltered babies under the age of six months can be adopted only to residents of Campbell County, the City of Lynchburg, and counties touching Campbell County. *Unaltered adult pets six months or older will need to be sterilized before they can be adopted outside our local area of Campbell County, the City of Lynchburg, or counties touching Campbell. *We do not promote dog adoptions to homes where an invisible fence is the fencing of choice. *We do not permit cats or kittens to be declawed following adoption.


More about Bisco - At the Shelter

Good with Dogs, Good with Cats, Leashtrained, Playful, Affectionate

Our process begins with an application, found on our website, Once your application has been received, a volunteer will call the references you list and then will contact you.

Videos of Bisco - At the Shelter:

Other Pictures of Bisco - At the Shelter (click to see larger version):

Bisco - At the Shelter Bisco - At the Shelter Bisco - At the Shelter