Robbie, romp on's Web Page

Basset Hound / Mixed (short coat)  : :  Male  : :  Young  : :  Medium

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Learn more about the Basset Hound.

Located in Campbell County, Virginia. Please begin with an application, found here: We place calls to your vet, your landlord, and your personal reference. We ask that the pets in your home be current with rabies vaccines, spay/neutered, and seen by a veterinarian for wellness.

About Robbie, romp on

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • General Color: Fawn
Update on Robb: Wanted to post this updated photo of our happy boy "Robb," as he went out walking today with a volunteer and didn't want to come back in! Robb is a year old and is a stray. We thought he was dead from ticks sucking him dry when he arrived at the pound, but look at him now! Available now for adoption. Really need to share this poor boy's story, as we weren't sure he would survive his first night at the Campbell County AC Facility. Although FOAC is able to take most of the dogs and cats who need medical care to a vet for urgent workups, many pets can be helped with just immediate on-site first aid. Dogs loaded with ticks and fleas are among those. "Robb" came in so full of ticks, infection, and swelling that he couldn't move. Our first aid involved picking off as many ticks as we could immediately (thanks to the ACO's!) and then a flea/tick bath, followed by flea/tick spray the next morning. Robb has shed literally hundreds of seed ticks. Walking into his kennel run is like walking on raspberries, with the tiny ticks popping and crunching underfoot. He has since been started on doxycycline, an antibiotic which is especially effective for tick-borne disease. Thanks to this immediate care, our boy Robb is up and moving around and looking much happier! Best guess as to breed mix: Bassett/shar pei? under one year old. Through all this he has been absolutely precious! For information on adopting this animal who is in care with a foster family, Email us at For more information on how to adopt, sponsor, or donate to help the animals at the Campbell County Animal Control Facility, please go to See our wish list of needed supplies, and find out how you can help! Friends of Campbell County Animal Control's mission is to aid animals in Campbell County. Your tax-exempt donations to Friends of Animal Control, go directly to the animals.

Our process begins with an application, found on our website, Once your application has been received, a volunteer will call the references you list and then will contact you.

Other Pictures of Robbie, romp on (click to see larger version):

Robbie, romp on Robbie, romp on